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Instruções de instalação do turbocompressor

Instruções de instalação do turbocompressor


Considerações especiais antes da instalação

• Certifique-se de remover as vedações e tampas de entrada e saída de óleo do novo turbocompressor.

• Óleo de motor, filtro de óleo, anel de vedação, junta, etc. devem ser substituídos por novos.

• Verifique se os tubos de entrada/saída de óleo e os parafusos das juntas estão livres de objetos estranhos, deformação, etc.. por favor, limpe-os, limpe-os com uma pistola de ar ou substitua-os por novos.

• Certifique-se de que o interior do filtro de ar, coletor de admissão/escape, e tubo de entrada estão livres de objetos estranhos (nozes, parafusos, pano de lixo, etc.) e óleo.

Considerações especiais durante a instalação

• Tenha cuidado ao remover e instalar o turbocompressor.

• Please make sure that there is no debris in the turbocharger inlet and exhaust housing, oil inlet, and piping.

• In order to prevent damage after installation, please inject new oil from the oil supply port to the oil inlet surface. And at the same time turn the impeller of the compressor to fully penetrate the oil to the center shaft.

• Please use new sealing rings.

Special Considerations After Installation

• Please keep idling (no load) within 10 minutes after installation. Purpose: To ensure that the lubricating oil is fully absorbed. In the case of insufficient lubricating oil supply to the lubricating oil turbocharger, turbocharger failures caused by damage to the crankshaft will occur.

• After idling, carry out actual operation to confirm whether the turbocharger is functioning normally. Purpose: To confirm that there is no failure caused by foreign matter remaining in the inlet and exhaust pipes, and to confirm the rotation of the turbocompressor.

After installation, please do not use detergent to wash the engine, because the detergent may flow from the engine into the turbocharger.


Instruções de instalação do turbocompressor

new turbocharger

new turbocharger with caps

engine oil

clean engine oil

turbocharger gasket

turbocharger gasket

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